Frequently Asked Questions


Applications & Registration

Registration Payments & Support

 Additional Questions



I was accepted to a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS). Am I automatically accepted to attend the associated Gordon Research Conference (GRC)?

No. However, GRC encourages all GRS attendees to apply for participation at the associated GRC. To be considered for attendance at the GRC, you must separately apply and be accepted by the GRC chair. If accepted to the GRC, you will then need to register for the GRC in order to attend. The GRS and the GRC have separate registration processes and fees. An application or registration for the GRS does not automatically enable your participation at the associated GRC.


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How do I know if my application has been accepted?

If the conference chair accepts your application, GRC will immediately inform you via email. You can also check the status of your application at any time in your myGRC account.


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I have been accepted to the conference. How do I register?

We will send you an email upon acceptance to your conference. Follow the link in the email to your myGRC Account, or login directly by following this link. Once there, you can easily register by clicking the "Register" button next to the appropriate conference.


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Do I have to register my guest?

Yes. When you register for a meeting you will be asked to register any accompanying guests.  All registered guests are welcome to attend meals and participate in informal afternoon activities.  Guests of any age are not permitted to attend technical or poster sessions.


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Do chairs, speakers, and discussion leaders need to register?

Yes. Everyone who will be attending the conference needs to register. This enables you to indicate your rooming preferences and any dietary restrictions or special needs.


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What does the registration fee include?

The GRC registration fee includes the cost of registration, all meals, and accommodations for the duration of the meeting. Accommodations begin on Sunday evening with a Friday morning check-out. The off-site registration fee includes the conference fee and meals only. If you register as an off-site attendee, you are responsible for making your own accommodation arrangements. The registration fee is fixed and cannot be prorated. Fees are listed on the program page for each meeting.

The GRS Registration Fee includes the cost of registration, dinner on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, and lodging at the conference site on Saturday evening. The off-site Registration Fee includes the conference fee and meals only. If you register as an off-site attendee, you are responsible for making your own accommodation reservations. The registration fee is fixed and cannot be prorated. Fees are listed on the program page for each meeting.


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When does the conference's registration close?

Registration for conferences closes three weeks prior to the meeting or when all seats for the conference have been filled.  We encourage you to register early since conferences can become oversubscribed prior to the registration deadline.


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I have completed registration for my conference. When can I expect to receive a receipt?

Receipts are sent immediately upon registration. Please allow some time for electronic-delivery delays and check your spam and junk folders. If you have not received your receipt within two hours, please email your Conference Operations Associate. Also, please add to any contact lists so you can be sure you will receive important email from us.


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How can I make changes to my registration?

Login to your myGRC account by following this link.  Once there, you can easily make rooming and bus reservation changes using the icons next to the appropriate conference.


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After completing my registration, will I receive registration materials (attendee list, conference program, poster list, etc.)?

The conference program and venue information is always available on our website. In addition, a poster list and registration list will be available to registered attendees the week before the conference. Please login to your myGRC account by following this link. You can find these materials in the conference card for your upcoming conference.


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The chair says that I will be provided funding to support my attendance.  Why am I being asked to pay for my registration?

The chair has not allocated funding for you yet.  Please contact the chair to see when they may be able to do this for you.  Chair contact information is provided on our website for each conference, at the top of the conference home page, as well as on the conference card in your myGRC account..


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If I am receiving funding from the conference budget, do I still need to pay the registration fee?

You only need to pay the difference, if any, between the registration fee and the amount allocated to you from the conference budget.


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Does GRC offer financial support?

Yes. GRC offers a variety of funding opportunities for participants. The conference chair is responsible for allocating money from the conference budget in support of registration or travel. You are encouraged to contact the chair directly to request financial assistance. In addition, if you meet all eligibility requirements, you may apply for the The Carl Storm Opportunity Fellowships through your myGRC account.


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What forms of payment does GRC accept?

GRC accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.  You may also pay by wire transfer, but there is a fee associated with this service.  Please email your Conference Operations Associate for details.


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Can the conference budget be used towards my guest's fee?

The conference budget can not be used to register or reimburse guests.


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Does GRC offer a student discount?

No, the registration fee is the same for all attendees. The conference chair, however, may choose to provide funds from their budget to support the attendance of post-docs, graduate students, or other early career scientists.


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How do I obtain an invoice?

Prior to completing your registration you have the opportunity to print an invoice by clicking a link in the registration fees and payments box.  If you pay your registration by credit card you  have the opportunity to print a receipt from the website and you will also receive a receipt by email.


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How do I pay with two different credit cards?

During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to use more than one credit card to pay your registration fees.


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When can I expect my refund and/or reimbursement? 

If you are due a refund because you have been allocated money from the conference budget for travel expenses, or to reimburse registration fees that you have already paid, it will be processed 2 - 4 weeks after the conference. Please allow two business days for refunds to be processed due to canceled registration, rooming changes, or bus reservation changes.


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Can you extend or shorten my stay?

For non-hotel venues, extended stays are not available. For hotel venues, you may contact the hotel directly to make extended reservations. Prorated registration fees are not available if you leave the conference early.  To ensure a successful meeting, we encourage all participants to stay the entire length of the conference.


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If I am not attending the whole conference, can I just pay for the days that I am staying?

Prorated registration fees are not available if you leave the conference early.  We encourage all participants to stay the entire length of the conference.


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Can I add or update my poster abstract after I submit my application?

Yes. We recommend that you submit a full abstract with your initial application. If you need to add or update your abstract, login to your myGRC account. You can easily make changes to your abstract by selecting the poster icon located in the upper right corner of the appropriate conference.


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Can I use the same poster for both the GRC and GRS?

Yes.  You must apply and be accepted to both conferences, and submit your poster abstract when applying to each.  If you later update details for your poster via your myGRC page, be sure to make the same changes for both conferences.


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How do I obtain an invitation letter?

You may download an invitation letter from GRC in your myGRC account as soon as you have been accepted to the conference.


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How do I contact the chair?

Chair contact information is provided on our website for each conference at the top of the conference program page, as well as on the conference card in your myGRC account.


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Are pets allowed at conferences?

Only ADA-qualified service animals are permitted to attend conference sessions and events. Our venues vary in terms of accommodating other animals at their facilities and any associated cost. Please visit the Venues page for your conference and contact the venue directly to confirm its current pet policy.


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Do I need to create an account for the new myGRC if I had an account with GRC previously?

No. Users with an existing account should login to the new system at using your existing account credentials. You may be asked to verify your email when you first login, but you do not need to create an all-new account.


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I am new to GRC and do not have a myGRC account. How do I create one?

Visit and select the option to create an account, providing your contact information and verifying your email address. If an account already exists with your email address, you will be prompted to login to your existing account to avoid duplicate accounts. 


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I have a question about features in the new myGRC. Who should I contact?

If you require assistance logging in to your myGRC account, or have questions about the available features, please contact your Conference Operations Associate. 

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Contact Us

MyGRC Account
Check your application status, complete your registration, update your poster, change your rooming preference, make a bus reservation, print an invitation letter, print a receipt (which includes verification that you are presenting a poster) or print an invoice by logging into your account.

GRC Venues
Everything you need to know, to plan your trip.

Instant answers to common questions.

Tell us how we can help

Call us and leave a detailed message at: 401-783-4011

*This voicemail is only checked once daily. Due to high volume of requests during the conference season, responses may be delayed.

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