The GRC Power Hour™
The GRC Power Hour is designed to address the interests and needs of all scientists and the challenges they face in their careers. Specifically, the program promotes meaningful conversations amongst colleagues of all career stages about barriers to career advancement and strategies to support the professional growth of all members of the community. The GRC Power Hour is open to all conference participants and is held from 3-4pm on Monday afternoons during free time.
The GRC Power Hour has been incredibly popular with all attendees, reflecting growing conversations in the sciences about issues including unconscious bias, mentoring and sponsorship, strategies for addressing harassment and inappropriate behavior, and the culture change needed to support the professional growth of all scientists throughout their careers.
Chairs select a person from their community to serve as the organizer for the session and each host tailors the program format to fit the needs of their community. GRC provides suggested talking points and additional resources to help them get started.
"The program was valuable because it provided the opportunity for networking and community building, and for sharing ideas and strategies."
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The Carl Storm Opportunity Fellowships
The Carl Storm Opportunity Fellowships were established by the GRC Board of Trustees to honor Director Emeritus Carl Storm's many years of service to GRC and to support his commitment to supporting the pipeline of excellent scientists attending Gordon Research Conferences. To be eligible for funds, an applicant must be attending a GRC for the first time and illustrate how the ability to attend the conference would impact their career trajectory and how without the funding, attending the conference may not be possible.
Funding decisions for the 2025 season have now been made. The application form for 2026 is currently in development and will be posted in September of 2025, but interested parties may apply to their preferred Gordon Conference at any time.
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