California Wildfire Update (as of 1/22/2025 at 5PM EST) - We are currently operating safely at all California venues and all conferences are scheduled to proceed as planned. click here for more details

Seed Funding for Gordon Research Seminars

Seed Funding for Gordon Research Seminars®

More than 80% of Gordon Research Conferences now have a corresponding Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), a two-day meeting designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral students, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience. At these seminars, which take place immediately prior to the associated GRC, young investigators present and discuss cutting-edge, unpublished research and build collaborative relationships with colleagues and peers in a non-intimidating environment. GRSs are particularly important, however, because they allow the next generation of scientists to network and discuss their research at a critical time in their careers. Ninety-five percent of GRS participants continue on and attend the associated Gordon Research Conference. 

Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology, and Science (KIETS) at North Carolina State University

The growth of the GRS program was made possible through our continuing partnership with the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology, and Science (KIETS) at North Carolina State University.  Since 2001, KIETS has provided limited seed funding for communities hosting their first GRS. 

The Kenan Institute is dedicated to “encouraging multidisciplinary, multi-institutional teams involving government, university, and corporate partners to solve scientific and societal problems, generate technology-based economic development, and bring together the public and private resources necessary to tackle successfully the emerging issues of our time.” The Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar (GKRS) funding is highly valued for its contribution to the exponential growth of the GRS program.

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