Conference Description
The Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.
Infrastructure is critical for human well-being. Population growth, urbanisation, and economic growth megatrends are driving massive increases in infrastructure demand in developing countries, expected over the next several decades. It is critical that this infrastructure is functional, has high durability, and good environmental and economic performance. Developed countries will require substantial renewal of their aging infrastructures. These trends in infrastructure development will drive demand for concrete, which is a key infrastructure material due to its versatility, its ability to create structures that are durable over many decades, good availability of raw materials, and its relatively low environmental impacts and production cost. Furthermore, current research in concrete materials and structures is showing significant advancements in these aspects. These advancements have high potential for societal impact due to the unprecedented scale of concrete production and its use virtually everywhere.
The aim of this conference is to explore and inspire novel and improved ways that concrete materials and structures can be advanced to support sustainable development, focusing on cutting-edge science across a broad selection of important topics in the area. Invited keynote speakers will present unpublished cutting-edge research and perspectives at the forefront of the field. Substantial time in this meeting will be devoted to poster sessions, which should similarly focus on unpublished and cutting-edge science, and are opportunities for more junior scientists to contribute to the conference. In keeping with the style of Gordon Research Conferences, the meeting schedule includes many ‘free time’ sessions for informal gatherings and discussion among the participants. There is an expectation that conference participants will be present at the conference throughout the programme.
The conference will consist of nine sessions, on the topics listed below. The conference chair is currently developing their preliminary program, which will include the names of the invited speakers and discussion leaders for each of these sessions. The preliminary program will be available by May 21, 2025. Please check back for updates.