Sunday PM
- "A Brief History of Combinatorial Chemistry (with apologies to Stephen Hawking)", A. Czarnik, IRORI Quantum Microchemistry
Monday AM
Synthesis Strategies for Combinatorial Libraries
Discussion Leader: M. Geysen, Glaxo-Wellcome
- "Solid-Phase and Combinatorial Synthesis", M. Pirrung, Duke Univ.
- "High Throughput Molecular Science - A Parallel Universe", J. Hogan, Arqule Inc.
- "Synthesis of Heterocyclic Combinatorial Libraries: Application to the generation of molecular diversity and drug discovery", M. Desai, Chiron Corp.
Monday PM
New Analytical Faculty Symposium
Discussion Leader: F. Hawkridge, NSF and VCU
- Prof. Yen-Ho Chu, Ohio State Univ. - "Combinatorial Library Screening with and without Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis"
- Prof. Sylvia Daunert, University of Kentucky - "Sensing Systems Based on Genetically Engineered Proteins and Cells"
- Prof. Steve Buratto, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara - "Nanoenvironments in Organic Thin Films: A Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Study"
- Prof. Robert Dunn, Kansas University - "Probing Protein Channel Dynamics at the Single Molecule Level"
- Prof. Chris Evans, University of Michigan - "Nanoscale Management using Monolayer Polymers"
- Prof. Sheryl Tucker, University of Missouri - "Spectroflourometric Characterization of Starburst PAMAM Dendrimers"
- Prof. Dan Raftery, Purdue University - "Sensitivity and Resolution Enhancement for Solid-State NMR Studies of Surfaces"
- Prof. Darryl Bornhop, Texas Tech. - "Micro-Interferometric Backscatter for Multi-Modal Detection"
Tuesday AM
High Throughput Screening
Discussion leader: P. Bohn, U. Illinois
- "Integrated approaches to accelerated drug discovery using combinatorial libraries", Jonathan Burbaum, Pharmacopeia
- "Exploiting Combinatorial Chemistry Libraries: Fluorescent Molecular Sensors For High Throughput Screening", Gregor Zlokarnik, Aurora Biosciences
- "Yeast cell based screening assays", Lauren Silverman, Cadus Pharmaceutical
Tuesday PM
Tagging, Where Has my Bead Been?
Discussion Leader: Royce Murray, UNC
- "Prospects for combinatorial library screening with mass spectrometry", Nick Winograd, Penn St. Univ.
- "No Static At All: Combinatorial Organic Synthesis Using Radiofrequency Memory Tags", Tony Czarnik, IRORI
- "Encoded Combinatorial Libraries of Molecular Forceps", Peter Nestler, Cold Spring Harbor Labs.
Wednesday AM
High through-put analysis: Can I know what I made?
Discussion Leader: Steve Kaldor, Eli Lilly
- "High-Resolution NMR in Combinatorial Chemistry: Solid-Phase-Synthesis Resins and High-Throughput Spectroscopy (VAST-NMR)", Paul Keifer, Varian
- Bill Fitch, Affymax Research Institute
- "New tools for monitoring organic reactions on solid supports", Bing Yan, Novartis
Wednesday PM
Using Chemical Libraries as a Research Tool
Discussion Leader: S. Olesik, Ohio State University
- "Finding Catalysts in Combinatorial Libraries", Eric Jacobsen, Harvard U.
Poster session 8:00 to 10:00
Thursday AM
Instrumentation for Automated Synthesis
Discussion Leader: Lloyd Smith, U. Wisconsin
- "Automated High-Throughput Synthesis: Achievements and Challenges", Sheila Hobbs Dewitt, Parke Davis
- "A Manufacturing Approach To Automating High Throughput Screening and Combinatorial Chemistry", Don Rose, Cartesian Engineering
- "New Strategies for Automated Chemical Synthesis", John A. Porco, Jr., Argonaut Technologies
Thursday PM
Late Breaking Research
Discussion Leader: J. M. Ramsey, ORNL
- "DNA Computing on Surfaces", Lloyd Smith, University of Wisconsin
- "Diagnostic Applications of Aptamers", Andrew Ellington, Indiana University