Sunday Evening:
DETECTION (anal. techniques hyphenated to pyrolysis units; QA)
Session Chair: Lars Carlsen
- Opening of the conference (Lars Carlsen, chair)
- Comparahve studies of polymers and polymer pyrolysates with direct temperature resolved external injection FTMS, ITMS and MALDI-TOFMS (J. J. Boon, Pete O'Connor and Ron Heeren)
- Bacterial investigations with pyrolysis-hyphenated GC, MS and ion mobility spectrometry techniques (Pete Snyder)
Monday Morning:
IDENTIFICATION I (selected techniques to identify pyrolysis products, e.g. environmental monitoring; quantification)
Session Chair: Marianne Blazso
- Field detection of bacteria using automatic air sampling combined with pyrolysis - gas chromatography/ion mobility spectrometry (Jacek Dworzanski)
- Profiling bacterial pathogens with pyrolysis mass spectrometry (Penny Sisson)
Monday Evening:
Session Chair: Shin Tsuge
- Pyrolysis techniques in forensic science - The latest developments (John Challinor)
- The evolution of automotive paint formulations as revealed by Py-GC/MS (Thomas P. Wampler)
Tuesday Morning:
CHARACTERIZATION I (of pyrolysis products, e.g. reactivity; classification, e.g. environmental)
Session Chair: Ken Voorhees
- Analytical pyrolysis at its limits: Structure and properties of humic substances (Hans-Rolf Schulten)
- The origin of aromatic compounds in pyrolysates of dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) in marine environments (Jasper van Heemst)
Tuesday Evening:
Session Chair: Roy Lehrle
- The influence of blending on the thermal stability of some addition polymers (David Bate)
- Characterization of polymer and groups by pyrolysis - gas chromatography (H. Ohtani)
Wednesday Morning:
Session Chair: Philip Britt
- Characterization of organic matter reactivity by pyrolysis techniques (Patrick Landais)
- Pyrolylical reactions in premixed flames (Helge Egsgaard)
Wednesday Evening:
Session Chair: Lars Carlsen
- Poster session; general session (including competition)
Thursday Morning:
Session Chair: Inger Ericsson
- Presentation of 3 winning posters
- Business meeting
Thursday Evening:
Session Chair: Robert J. Evans
- The most recent developments in the application of analytical pyrolysis in art and conservation(Alexander Shedrinsky)
- Fakes, Forensics and Failures (Roy Lehrle)
- Closure of the conference (Lars Carlsen)