Sunday, 5 September, 1999 19:30-21:00 PM | Session 1: Floral Scent Research: A New Synthesis of Approaches |
L. Gunnar Bergström, University of Göteborg, Sweden
"Floral scent chemistry: diversity in many dimensions"
Robert A. Raguso, University of South Carolina, USA
"Floral scent and biology; the next great frontier"
Monday, 6 September, 1999 9:00-12:00 AM | Session 2: Chemical Analysis: Novel and Integrated methods |
Chair: Wittko Francke, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Discussion Leader: John Pickett, IACR-Rothamsted, UK
Robert Heath, USDA-ARS, Miami, FL, USA
"Systems for collecting and techniques for analyzing plant volatiles"
Nicky Agelopoulos, IACR-Rothamsted, UK
"Headspace analysis of trapped volatiles: utilizing thermal and solvent desorption of polymers"
Roman Kaiser, Givaudan-Roure Research, Ltd., Dübendorf, Switzerland
"New and uncommon volatiles in unusual flower scents"
Monday, 6 September, 1999 19:00-21:30 PM | Session 3: Biochemistry and Genetics of Fragrance Biosynthesis |
Chair: Eran Pichersky, University of Michigan, USA
Discussion Leader: Efraim Lewinsohn, Newe Yaíar Research Center, ARO, Israel
Mamoru Tabata, University of Kyoto, Okayama, Japan
"Genetics and biosynthesis of monoterpenes and phenylpropanoids in Perilla frutescens (Lamiaceae)"
Natalia Dudareva, Purdue University, USA
"Molecular biology of floral scent in snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus (Scrophulariaceae)"
Joost Lucker, CPRO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands
"Linalool production in transgenic Petunia expressing a heterologous linalool synthase"
Jörg Bohlmann, Max-Planck-Instit. Für Chemie Organische, Jena, Germany
Biochemistry, molecular genetics and evolution off the plant terpene synthase (Tps) gene family
Wilhelm Boland, Max-Planck-Instit. Für Chemie Organische, Jena, Germany
Biosynthesis of homo- and norterpenes of floral scents
Tuesday, 7 September, 1999 9:00-12:00 AM | Session 4: Anatomy and Physiology of Fragrance Emission |
Chair: Jonathan Gershenzon, Max-Planck-Instit. Für Chemie Organische, Jena, Germany
Discussion Leader: Stefan Vogel, Universität Wien, Austria
Steffan Vogel, Universität Wien, Austria
"Osmophores: floral organs for the manufacture, secretion and dispersion of scent".
Hazel MacTavish, University of Tasmania
"Localization of fragrance production in Boronia megastigma"
Naoharu Watanabe, Shizuoka University, Japan
"Phenolic and terpene glycosides and their potential role as floral fragrance precursors"
Henrik Byrial Jakobsen, Vibevadgaard, Denmark
"Diurnal changes in the concentrations of phenethylalcohol and b-phenethyl-b-D-glucopyranoside isolated from floral tisssue and phenethylalcohol trapped from the headspace of Trifolium repens flowers"
Tuesday, 7 September, 1999 19:00-21:30 PM | Session 5: Fragrance in Pollination and Systematics |
Chair: Jette Knudsen, Göteborg University, Sweden
Discussion Leader: W. Mark Whitten, Florida Natural History Museum, USA
W. Mark Whitten, Florida Natural History Museum, USA, and Mark Chase, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, UK
"Floral fragrances, phylogeny and homoplasy: examples from euglossine pollinated orchids"
Geoffrey Kite, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, UK
"Analysis of Arum and Amorphophallus odours"
Rachel Levin, University of Arizona, USA
"Utility of chemical data inn phylogenetic analysis: examples using floral scent in
hawkmoth-pollinated Nyctaginaceae"
Leonard Thien, Tulane University, USA
"Magnoliaceae: pollination syndromes, thermogenic flowers, chemical divergence in floral and leaf odors, and DNA phylogeny"
Wednesday, 8 September, 1999 9:00-12:00 AM | Session 6: Olfactory Physiology and Sensory Integration of Floral Scent |
Chair: Brian Smith, Ohio State University, USA
Discussion Leader: Christianne Linster, Boston University, USA
Mattias Larsson, Marcus, C. Stensmyr, Walter S. Leal, Bill S. Hansson, Univ. of Lund, Sweden
"Odour detection by single olfactory receptor neurons in flower and fruit-eating scarab beetles"
Giovanni Galizia, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
"The spatial representation of odours in the antennal lobe of honeybees"
John Kauer, Tufts University, Boston, USA
"Molecular recognition in the olfactory system: from biology to an artificial nose"
Randolf Menzel, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
"Odour discrimination, neural representation and learning in a general pollinating insect,
the honey bee"
Wednesday, 8 September, 1999 19:00-21:30 PM | Session 7: Behavioral Responses (Food Searching) to Floral Scent |
Chair: Heidi E. M. Dobson, Whitman College, USA
Discussion Leader: Minh' Ha Pham-Delègue , INRA-CNRS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Minh' Ha Pham-Delègue , INRA-CNRS, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
"Floral scent discrimination in the honeybee: combined behavioral and chemical approaches"
Keiichi Honda, Hiroshima University, Japan
"Foraging behavior of some butterflies mediated by floral scent"
Peter Landolt, USDA-ARS, Yakima, WA, USA
"Attraction of noctuid moths to food-based odorants"
Robert Franich and Chris Ecroyd, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand
"Floral nectar of Dactylanthus taylorii"
Thursday, 9 September, 1999 9:00-12:00 AM | Session 8: Alternative Functions of Floral Scent |
Chair: Ian Baldwin, Max-Planck-Instit. Für Chemie Organische, Jena, Germany
Discussion Leader: John Loughrin, University of Kentucky, USA
Isao Kubo, University of California, Berkeley, USA
"Antimicrobial activity of flower scent compounds"
Thomas Hamilton-Kemp, University of Kentucky, USA
"Effects on pollen germination of floral and related natural volatile compounds"
John Loughrin, University of Kentucky, USA
"Biochemistry and ecology of volatile emission: comparison of floral and vegetative signals"
John Pickett, IACR-Rothamsted, UK
"From hymenopterous parasitoids to bees: their interactions wit vegetative and floral volatiles"
Thursday, 9 September, 1999 19:00-21:30 PM | Session 9: Evolution of Mimicry, Deception and Scent-Driven Mutualisms |
Chair: W. Scott Armbruster, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Discussion Leader: Amots Dafni, University of Haifa
Martine Hossaert-McKey, CEFE/CNRS, Montpellier, France
"Floral scent, it's role in evolutionary stability and diversification of fig-pollination mutualisms"
Manfred Ayasse and Florian Schiestl, Universität Wien, Austria
"How does flower-specific variation of pollinator-attracting scent influence fitness in the sexual deceptive orchid Ophrys sphegodes ?"
James Ackerman, Universidad de Puerto Rico
"Floral fragrances of deceitful orchid species: patterns of variation and their consequences"
Barbara Roy and M. Pfunder, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
"Floral fragrances produced by flower-mimic pathogens on Euphorbia cyparissias L. (Euphorbiaceae)"