The Biology of Spirochetes GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
What a time to be alive and studying spirochetes!
Welcome to the 6th iteration of the Biology of Spirochetes GRS! Spirochete bacteria are an evolutionary and structurally unique spiral-shaped bacteria with both pathogenic and non-pathogenic members in the phylum. Spirochetes at large have adapted to a wide variety of hosts, vectors, and environments, making universal truths about the bacteria difficult to establish and adding complexity to the study of these bacteria. But where some might see insurmountable odds based on the complexity and comparative lack of tools, spirochete researchers are continuously making strides to untangle the mysteries surrounding spirochetes.
To be a spirochete researcher, you frequently need both creativity and tenacity, because as esteemed members in the field say quite often, spirochetes do it different. In that regard, spirochete researchers are well met by the bug we study since we necessarily do it different as well. However, during the 6th Biology of Spirochetes GRS, you can expect some of the same experiences you’ve grown to know and love at the GRS. This includes short talks, poster sessions, a keynote address, and a career panel within a safe and supportive community. The Biology of Spirochetes GRS welcomes spirochete research of all flavors and kinds, both with respect to techniques used and the spirochete studied. With that in mind, we’d love to invite early career researchers studying any spirochete to join us for two days of lively discussion, comradery, and a chance to present your research to folks just as excited about it as you are!
Application Instructions
The seminar will feature approximately 10 talks and 2 poster sessions. All attendees are expected to actively participate in the GRS, either by giving an oral presentation or presenting a poster. Therefore, all applications must include an abstract.
The seminar chair will select speakers from abstracts submitted by October 12, 2025. Those applicants who are not chosen for talks and those who apply after the deadline to be considered for an oral presentation will be expected to present a poster. In order to participate, you must submit an application by the date indicated in the Application Information section above.
Program Format
Gordon Research Seminars are 2-day meetings which take place on the Saturday and Sunday just prior to the start of the associated GRC. The GRS opens with a 1-hour introductory session on Saturday afternoon, followed by a poster session, dinner and a 2-hour session in the evening. Sunday morning begins with breakfast and is followed by another 2-hour session, a second poster session, and lunch. A final 1-hour session takes place just after lunch, and the associated GRC begins later that evening.