Transcriptional Control of Oncogenesis: M. Karin, discussion leader
M. Karin, "Signaling Into the Nucleus."
M. Karin, "Regulation of AP-1 Activity Through Phosphorylation."
M. Gilman, "Sources of Specificity in Nuclear Signal Transduction."
C. Desplan, "The Activity of the Bicoid Homeoprotein is Controlled by a
Morphogenetic Signal Transduction Pathway."
The NF-kB/Rel Family of Transcriptional Regulators: I. Verma,
discussion leader
I. Verma, "Regulation of NF-kB/IkB/Rel."
U. Siebenlist, "Regulation of NF-kB Proteins."
S. Wasserman, "Regulation of Dorsal by Phosphorylation."
Control of Myc-mediated Transcription: M. Cole, discussion leader
M. Cole, "Function Analysis of the Myc N-terminus."
E. Ziff, "Gene Regulation by Growth Factors."
D. Ayer, "Control of Proliferation and Differentiation by the Myc
Protein Network.
p53 as a Transcriptional Regulator: A. Berk, discussion leader
A. Berk, "Adenovirus E1B 55k Oncoprotein Tethers a Transcriptional
Repression Domain to p53."
P. Tegtmeyer, "p53 Domain Functions in Cellular Suppression and
S. Elledge, "p21c1p1, ap53-Regulated inhibitor of Cyclindependent
Transcriptional Control by the Tumor Suppressors Rb and WT1: J.
Wang, discussion leader
F. Rauscher III, "Functional Interactions between WT1 and p53 Tumor
Suppressor Proteins."
P. Farnham, "Regulatory Networks Involving Murine E2F1."
N. Dyson, "Partners and Homologs of the Retinoblastoma Protein."
Altered Transcription Factor Genes in Leukemia: M. Cleary, discussion
M. Cleary, "Transcriptional and Transforming Properties of E2
Chimeras in Acute Leukemias."
J. Ihle, "Inappropriate Expression of the Evi-1 gene Blocks Erythroid
and Myeloid Differentiation by Binding AGATA Sequences Resulting in
Myelodysplastic Disease."
K. Murre, "The Role of E2A and Pbx in Mammalian Development and
The Ets Family of Transcription Factors: J. Leiden, discussion leader
J. Leiden, "Regulated interaction between Elf-1 and Rb during T-Cell
A. Bernstein, "The Fli-1 and Spi-1/PU.1 ets genes and Their Roles in
Malignancy and Normal Development."
N. Kraut, "Control of Differentiation in Multipotent Hematopoietic
Cells by the E26 v-Ets Protein."
Current Opinions in Transcriptional Regulation and Cancer Genetics: R.
Kingston, discussion leader
R. Kingston, "Mechanisms that Regulate Transcription Factorchromatin
J. Rowley, "Chromosome Translocations: Dangerous Liasons."
Nuclear Receptors and Cancer: M. Parker, discussion leader
M. Parker, "Structure and Function of the Estrogen Receptor."
L. Freedman, "Role of the Vitamin D3 Receptor in Lymphoid and
Myeloid Cell Proliferation."
D. Gordon, "Androgen Receptor Regulation of Prostate Cell Growth and