Cell Cycle Activators
Tony Hunter (discussion leader), "Protein-tyrosine kinase signaling pathways"
Steve Reed, "Control of the G1/S phase transition"
Yossi Schlessinger, "Cellular signaling by tyrosine phosphorylation"
Jean Wang, "Cell cycle function of nuclear Abl tyrosine kinase"
Cell Cycle Inhibitors
David Beach, "Cell cycle and signal transduction"
Joan Massague (discussion leader), "Antiproliferative signal transduction"
Olivia Pereira-Smith, "The role of the cell cycle inhibitors in cellular aging"
Growth Suppressors
Judy Campisi, "Mechanisms of growth suppression during replicative senescence"
Ed Harlow, "Transcriptional repression by the retinoblastoma protein"
Carol Prives (discussion leader), "Regulation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein"
Frank Rauscher, "Transcriptional repressors as modulators of cell growth: Potential use of chimaeric
transcription factors in gene therapy cancer"
Matrix and Cytoskeleton
Mina Bissell (discussion leader), "Can an abnormal microenvironment lead to genomic instability and breast
Lan Bo Chen, "Aberrant gene expression and altered cytoskeleton in cancer cells"
Paul Polakis, "Interaction of the APC tumor suppressor protein with cutenins"
Animal Models
Terry Van Dyke (discussion leader), "Impact of p53 inactivation of tumerogenesis"
Tyler Jacks, "The role of p53 tumor suppression, apoptosis and response to anti-cancer agents"
Eva Y.-H. P. Lee, "Roles of the RB protein in neuron differentiation and tumor predisposition"
Amy Moser, "Mutant of the APC that affects the intestine and mammary gland"
New Targets
Joe Gray, "Molecular cytogenetics of breast cancer: Positional cloning on the 16q and 20q"
Ruth Sager (discussion leader), "RNA genetics of breast cancer"
Roger Wiseman, "Identification of BRCA1 - implications for breast and ovarian cancer biology"
Genome Integrity
Carol Greider, "Telomerase biochemistry and regulation"
Mike Kastan, 'P53 and other modulators of cell cycle and cell death"
Richard Kolodner, "Yeast and human mutator genes and their relationship to cancer susceptibility"
Thea Tlsty (discussion leader), "Abrogation of cell cycle checkpoint control in preneoplastic cells"
Leeland Hartwell, "Cell cycle checkpoints"
Frank McCormick, "Regulators and effectors of ras proteins"
Drug Design
Tona Gilmer (discussion leader), "Phosphotyrosine signaling pathways as therapeutic targets for cancer"
Allen Oliff, "Anti-cancer agents directed against oncogene products"
Kevin Scanlon, "Therapeutic implications of anti-oncogene ribozymes in cancer"