Sunday PM | How can we improve constraints on air-sea CO2 fluxes? |
Session leader:
Rik Wanninghof (NOAA - Miami)
- Wade McGillis (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) - "New advances in determining air-sea fluxes"
- Tim Lueker (Scripps Institute of Oceanography) - "Reducing uncertainties in the ocean and terrestrial fluxes of CO2."
Monday AM | Early Diagenetic Processes I |
Session leader:
Robert C. Aller (SUNY - Stony Brook)
- Larry M. Mayer (University of Maine) - "Benthic invertebrate digestion: an unusual chemical experience for transiting sediments"
- Markus Huettel (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany) - "Transport of matter and biogeochemical processes in permeable shelf sediments"
- Timothy I. Eglinton (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) - "Sources and (pre-)processing of organic carbon in marine sediments: Constraints from coupled molecular isotopic (14C, 13C) measurements"
Monday PM | Early Diagenetic Processes II |
Session leader:
Robert C. Aller
- Ruth E. Blake (Yale University) - "Stable isotopic studies of early diagenetic carbonate dissolution and cycling in shallow water platform carbonate environments"
- Panagiotis Michalopoulos (National Center for Marine Research, Hellinikon, Greece) - "Conversion of biogenic silica to aluminosilicates during early diagenesis in the Amazon delta and consequences for the biogeochemical cycle of Si"
Tuesday AM | Diagenetic modeling: An evolving endeavor |
Session leader:
Bernard P. Boudreau (Dalhousie University)
- Bernard Boudreau (Dalhousie University) - "A Diagenetic Modeller's Historical Revisionism"
- Jack Middelburg (Netherlands Institute of Ecology) - "Early Diagenetic Modelling in Ecosystem Studies"
- Phillippe van Cappelen (Georgia Institute of Technology) - "Reactive transport in sediments and groundwater systems: What can we borrow from hydrologists (ideas, concepts and modeling approaches)"
Tuesday PM | Diagenesis and evolution |
Session leader:
Phillippe van Cappelen (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Thomas J. DiChristina (Georgia Institute of Technology) - "Molecular approaches to sediment microbiology"
- Joel E. Kostka (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography) - "The Role of Fe(III) Reduction in Diagenesis over Geologic Time"
Wednesday AM | Biogenic carbonate chemistry and ocean records |
Session leader:
Harry Elderfield (Cambridge University)
- Steve Weiner (Weizmann Institute) - "Biomineralization and carbonate chemistry"
- Ed Boyle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) - "Paleochemical proxies for the next millennium"
- Dan Schrag (Harvard University) - "The paleo-record and questions raised from models"
Wednesday PM | Imaging surface reactions and properties |
Session leader:
Alfonso Mucci (McGill University)
- Patricia M. Dove (Georgia Institute of Technology) - "Kinetics of Calcite Growth: What Direct Observations of Surface Processes Reveal about Macroscopic Rate Laws"
- Carrick M. Eggleston (University of Wyoming) - "Crystal growth, surface charge, electron transfer: New approaches to in-situ characterization of mineral surface structure and reactivity"
Thursday AM | Tracers in paleoceanography |
Session leader:
David Lea (University of California at Santa Barbara)
- Yair Rosenthal (Rutgers University) - "Foraminiferal proxies: old questions, new prospects"
- Jean Lynch-Steiglitz (LDEO of Columbia University) - "Stable isotope tracers for paleo-ocean circulation"
- Adina Paytan (UCSD-Scripps Institute of Oceanography) - "Marine Barite - a Proxy for Export Production"
Thursday PM | The Present is the key to the future: Directions in Chemical Oceanographic Research |
Session leader:
Steve Emerson (University of Washington)
- Andrew Dickson (Scripps Institute of Oceanography) - "Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Oceanography/Geochemistry"
- David Archer (University of Chicago) - "A critical look at models"