Conference Description
The Germinal Stem Cell Biology GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
The unique research focus of the inaugural 2023 GRS is modeled after the associated GRC. The GRS provides time for sharing research findings in a discussion-heavy and friendly environment. Our goal is to build a deep sense of collegiate community between junior members who are often meeting the rest of the field for the first time. In recognizing the recent acceleration in high-resolution molecular profiling applied to the germ cell field, the GRS will focus on recent discoveries made in relation to germ cell development in vitro and germ cell function at the single cell level. Focal points will include (1) Heterogeneity in the germ line, (2) The impact of metabolism on germ line development, (3) In vitro germ line development and fertility rescue, (4) Sex chromosomes in germ cell biology and meiosis, and (5) Posttranscriptional control in the germ line.How trainees go about career advancement has evolved rapidly in the past two decades.
The unique career development focus of the inaugural 2023 GRS is to introduce trainees to the newest junior faculty and tenured faculty who have achieved careers in independent academic research in the modern era. Great preference has been given to keynote speakers and panelists who are any combination of: (1) tenure track but not yet tenured, (2) recently tenured, (3) women, (4) underrepresented in the Germ Cell field, (5) diverse in geographic location of lab, and/or (6) recent parents. This preference was designed specifically in response to discussions with trainees at the 2019 GRC who were part of petitioning for the inception of a GRS for the 2023 meeting.