California Wildfire Update (as of 1/27/2025 at 5PM EST) - We are currently operating safely at all California venues and all conferences are scheduled to proceed as planned. click here for more details

GRC Connects: Environmental Nanotechnology GRS

Fostering Mentorship and Career Planning in the Environmental Nanotechnology Community

Thursday, June 10, 2021

11:00AM - 12:30PM ET


Miranda J. Gallagher,  Rice University

Environmental Nanotechnology GRS Chair


 Lisa M. StabrylaUniversity of Pittsburgh 

Environmental Nanotechnology GRS Co-Chair

Event Description

Join a moderated panel of professional development mentors for a discussion on career development. Mentors come from a diverse variety of professions and backgrounds, including academia, industry, government, science communication, and public service. A breakout session will follow where attendees will engage with and ask questions of mentors in small groups. This event aims to provide an opportunity for students and postdocs within the Environmental Nanotechnology community to network with other researchers in the field and stay motivated during these challenging times to continue preparing for their future careers. 


Megan Creighton, Drexel University

Arielle Mensch, Lafayette College

Dominique Porcincula, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Mark C. Surette, U.S. EPA


10:45am     Event Arrival & Networking

11:00am     Career Development Panel

11:30am     Networking Breakout Session

12:30pm     Closing Remarks

Open networking will be available until the event closes at 1:00pm.

GRC Connects is an initiative of the Gordon Research Conferences that provides opportunities for GRC communities to connect and collaborate until we resume in-person meetings, furthering GRC's commitment to find new and creative ways to advance the frontiers of science. 


 Event Recording

 GRC Connects FAQ 


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