Conference Description
The Gordon Research Seminar on Human Genetic Variation and Disease is a unique forum for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting-edge ideas at the intersection of genomics, molecular biology, computational biology, and medicine.
The 2022 GRS on Human Genetic Variation and Disease will focus on the interpretation of genetic variation and the application of these interpretations in treatment and diagnosis of disease. The goal of this GRS is to provide a forum for the next generation of scientists to discuss how these methods are enabling genomic data analysis, interpretation, and application to impact patient health. The GRS will provide junior scientists a venue to discuss research, and exchange ideas with peers and established scientists from a variety of disciplines. The congenial atmosphere of the GRS will also provide ample opportunities for participants to interact and build collaborations with scientists at these different levels.
We welcome applications from those familiar with the topic, as well as from those who consider this a future area of interest. Early graduate students and junior scientists with limited backgrounds in multidisciplinary research are also encouraged to apply. We anticipate that the talks, poster sessions and discussion sessions at the GRS will foster a diverse community of young researchers that may, in the long term, be able to drive progress in this area.