The goal of this Gordon Research Conference (GRC) is to provide an open and interdisciplinary forum for scientists and engineers from a broad range of areas to discuss and initiate exploration of microscopic and nanoscopic lasers, as well as biological lasers, from a perspective of fundamental physics, materials sciences, enabling engineering technologies, biological sciences, and applications.
The specific aims of the GRC are three-fold: (1) to foster scientific exchange among highly interdisciplinary researchers in biophotonics, biomedical engineering, biomedicine, physics, micro/nanofabrication, nanotechnologies, materials sciences from academic laboratories, clinical institutions, healthcare sectors, national laboratories, and industrial enterprises; (2) to create a new community that critically assesses the state of the emerging fields and sets research directions and goals for the future; and (3) to promote a personal level of interactions among senior and junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows, research scientists, and graduate students in an informal environment, while ensuring diversity in gender, race, and culture.
The subjects of the GRC include, but are not limited to (1) new lasers and laser phenomena (such as micro/nano lasers, microfluidic lasers, bio-inspired/bio-integrated lasers, plasmonic lasers, random lasers, opto-mechanical laser, and parity-time symmetric laser, etc.); (2) recent advancements in laser gain media research and laser cavity studies; (3) cutting-edge micro/nano engineering that enables and benefits micro/nano lasers; and (4) forward-looking applications of micro/nano/bio-lasers, particularly in biology, biochemistry, and biomedicine.
The GRC will feature morning/evening oral presentations/discussions, complemented by afternoon poster sessions.