The Gordon Research Conference on Lipoprotein Metabolism is held under the auspices of the Gordon Research Conferences whose goal is to "foster and promote education and science by organizing and operating meetings of research scientists with common interests in the fields of chemistry and related sciences…" This conference which has been held on alternate years for the past 26 years is focused on recent and currently breaking developments in lipoprotein and lipid metabolism, particularly in those areas that impact on the development of atherosclerotic vascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. The hallmark of this conference is the in-depth presentation with adequate time for thorough discussion. Each presentation is to cover recent, unpublished, discoveries, and it is a stated policy that any of the information presented at these meetings is not to be used without the specific authorization of the presenter. No publication of the proceedings will take place. Important aims of the Gordon Research Conference on Lipoprotein Metabolism are to include the diversity of qualified professionals and to foster interactions among young investigators, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and senior investigators.
The title of the 1998 conference is "Molecular Mechanisms of Lipoprotein and Lipid Metabolism." Basic molecular and cell biological studies and in vivo studies in humans and in transgenic and gene knockout animal models will be presented in order to integrate molecular mechanisms with physiological processes. Four morning sessions, four evening sessions, and one evening keynote lecture are planned. The afternoons are reserved for informal discussions. Poster sessions are planned for late afternoon on two days.