Sunday - June 20 |
2:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Arrival and check-in |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Structures and Mechanisms in Membrane Protein Complexes |
7:30-8:10 | Session Chair: C. Roy Lancaster (Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt, Germany) The 'E-pathway hypothesis' of coupled transmembrane electron and proton transfer in dihemic quinol:fumarate reductases - support from theory and experiments |
8:10-8:40 | Tina M. Iverson (Imperial College, London) Crystal structure of photosystem II from Thermosynechococcus elongatus |
8:40-9:10 | Eva Pebay-Peyroula (U. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) ADP/ATP translocation in mitochondria: a molecular insight |
9:10-9:30 | Michela Bertero (U. British Columbia, Canada) Insights into a respiratory electron transfer pathway from the structure of nitrate reductase A |
Monday - June 21 |
7:30 am - 8:30 am | Breakfast |
8:30 am | Photo |
9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Function and Assembly of Respiratory Chain Complexes |
9:00-9:20 | Session Chair: Takao Yagi (Scripps Institute, USA) An Overview: Where we stand and what is hot |
9:20-9:50 | Judy Hirst (MRC, Cambridge, UK) Studies of coupled electron transfer and catalysis in mitochondrial complex I |
9:50-10:20 | Thorsten Friedrich (U. Freiburg, Germany) Conformational changes associated with the redox reaction of complex I |
10:20-10:40 | Coffee Break |
10:40-11:10 | Fevzi Daldal (U. Pennsylvania, USA) Bacterial cyt bc1: structure, function, and biogenesis |
11:10-11:40 | Neal C. Robinson (U. Texas San Antonio, USA) Cardiolipin: the subunit glue of cytochrome oxidase |
11:40-12:30 | General Discussion |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Free Time |
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Poster Session |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Protein Control of Redox Potentials and Quinone Binding Sites |
7:30-7:50 | Session Chair: Colin Wraight (U. Illinois, Urbana, USA) Overview: Protein control of redox potentials and quinone binding sites |
7:50-8:20 | Petra Hellwig (U. Frankfurt, Germany) FTIR spectroscopic studies on quinone binding sites in respiratory chain complexes |
8:20-8:50 | M.Y. Okamura (U. California San Diego, USA) The role of the protein in controlling electron and proton transfer to quinones in bacterial reaction centers |
8:50-9:20 | James Barber (Imperial College, London, UK) Implications of the structure of PSII in understanding the water oxidation reaction |
Tuesday - June 22 |
7:30 am - 8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Cellular Bioenergetics and Aging |
9:00-9:30 | Session Chair: David G. Nicholls (Buck Institute, Novato, USA) Mitochondrial respiration in intact cultured neurons |
9:30-10:00 | Catherine Clarke (U. California Los Angeles, USA) Coenzyme Q: the long and short of being Q-less |
10:00-10:30 | Edward J. Lesnefsky (VA Medical Center Cleveland, & Case Western Reserve U., USA) Complex III defects in aging heart |
10:30-10:50 | Coffee Break |
10:50-11:20 | Naoaki Ishii (Tokai U., Kanagawa, Japan) The role of oxidative stress from electron transport systems of mitochondria on apoptosis, cancer, and aging |
11:20-11:50 | Daniel Bauer (U. Pennsylvania, USA) Signal transduction control of bioenergetics is required to maintain cell survival |
11:50-12:30 | General Discussion |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Free Time |
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Poster Session |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Function and Regulation of V-ATPases |
7:30-7:50 | Session Chair: Emma Jean Bowman (U. California Santa Cruz, USA) Introduction to the structure and cellular role of V-ATPases |
7:50-8:20 | Michael Forgac (Tufts U., Boston, USA) Structural analysis of the yeast V-ATPase |
8:20-8:50 | Gerhard Grüber (U. Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany) Portraits of the evolutionary linked V- and A-type ATPase |
8:50-9:20 | Ken Yokoyama (ERATO, JST, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan)
Structure and mechanism of V-type ATPase/synthase of Thermus thermophilus |
Wednesday - June 23 |
7:30 am - 8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Workshops |
| ATPase workshop |
| Discussion leaders: Morris Manolson (Univ. of Toronto, Canada) & Brian Cain (U. of Florida, USA) |
| Electron transfer/Role of mitochondria in aging and disease workshop |
| Discussion leaders: Shelagh Ferguson-Miller (Michigan State U., USA) & Tomoko Ohnishi (U. Pennsylvania, USA) |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Free Time |
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Poster Session |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Electron and Proton Transport Mechanisms |
7:30-7:55 | Session Chair: P. Leslie Dutton (U. of Pennsylvania, USA) Electron and proton transfer |
7:55-8:25 | Fraser A. Armstrong (Oxford University, Oxford, UK) Experiments to determine how catalysis by respiratory enzymes is affected by alterations in long-range electron relay sites |
8:25-8:55 | Victor L. Davidson (U. of Mississippi, USA) Probing mechanisms of protein electron transfer reactions by site-directed mutagenesis |
8:55-9:25 | Robert B. Gennis (U. of Illinois, Urbana, USA) The proton pump of cytochrome c oxidase |
Thursday - June 24 |
7:30 am - 8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Structure and Mechanism of ATP synthase |
9:00-9:20 | Session Chair: Masamitsu Futai (Osaka University, Japan) ATP synthase: rotational catalysis in the membrane |
9:20-9:50 | Robert H. Fillingame (U. of Wisconsin, USA) Subunit a of ATP synthase: Towards its structure and role in H+ transport driven c-ring rotation |
9:50-10:20 | Michael Börsch (U. Stuttgart, Germany) Stepwise rotation of the epsilon-subunit during catalysis reveals asymmetry in FoF1-ATP synthase monitored by single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer
10:20-10:40 | Coffee Break |
10:40-11:10 | Wayne Frasch (Arizona State University, USA) Contribution of intersubunit interactions to the rotary mechanism of F1Fo ATP synthase |
11:10-11:40 | Markus Dittrich (U. Illinois, Urbana, USA)
Insights into the molecular mechanism of ATP synthase |
11:40-12:30 | General Discussion |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Free Time |
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Poster Session |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Insights into Bioenergetic Mechanisms and Assembly |
7:30-8:00 | Discussion leader: Immo Scheffler (U. California San Diego, USA) Molecular-genetic analysis of complex I-deficient Chinese hamster cell lines in tissue culture. Speculations on the mechanism of assembly |
8:00-8:45 | John E. Walker (MRC, Cambridge, UK) The catalytic mechanism of ATP synthase |
8:45-9:20 | Sriram Subramaniam (NCI/NIH) Structural analysis of macromolecular assemblies by three-dimensional electron microscopy |
Friday - June 25 |
7:30 am - 8:30 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | Departure |