Sunday Morning, February 1
- Pathogenic Mechanisms of Demyelination
Discussion Leader: William Hickey
- John Prineas - Evolution of the MS lesion
- Hans Lassmann - Heterogeneic Pathways of Demyelination in Multiple Sclerosis
- Moses Rodriguez - The Role of Class I MHC Immune Function in Development of Neurologic Deficits Following Demyelination
- Andreas Stefferl - Autoantibody: A Critical Component for immune-mediated Demyelination
- Jack Antel - Susceptibility of human oligodendrocytes to immune-mediated injury
- Christiane Richter-Landsberg - Hydrogen Peroxide Induces Cell Injury and Mode of Cell Death in Cultured Brain Oligodendrocytes
Scheduled Short Talks
- Claude Bernard
- Robert Swanborg
Sunday Evening, February 1 -
Glia Cell Origins
Discussion Leader: Kazuhiro Ikenaka
- Robert Miller - Spatial and Temporal Regulation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Appearance
- Barbara Barres - Inhibition of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation by the Notch Pathway
- Greg Lemke - Transcriptional Control of Schwann Cell Development
- Carmen Birchmeir - The Role of Neuregulin and Its Receptors, erbB2 and erbB3, in the Development of the Peripheral Nervous System
Scheduled Short Talks
- Jean Leon Thomas
- Richard Quarles
- Kazuhiro Ikenaka
Monday Morning, February 2 -
Axonal Pathology in Myelin Disease
Discussion Leader: Stephen Waxman
- Stephen Waxman - The Axon as a Player in Demyelinating Diseases: Molecular Mechanisms
- Scott Brady - Formation of Compact Myelin Is Required for Maturation of the Axonal Cytoskeleton in Large Neuron
- Douglas Arnold - MR Imaging of Axonal Damage Associated with Demyelination
- Richard Rudick - Axonal Transection in MS or Therapeutic implications of myelin and axonal destruction in multiple sclerosis
- Ian Griffiths - Axonal changes associated with mutation of the PLP gene
- Kenneth J. Smith - NO and Axonal Degeneration in Demyelinating Diseases
Scheduled Short Talks
- James Salzer
- Paul Shrager
Monday Evening, February 2 -
Control of Glia Cell Proliferation
Discussion Leader: Mark Noble
- Mark Noble - Glial differentiation: more complex than we used to think?
- Martin Raff - Controls on Oligodendrocyte Numbers in the Optic Nerve
- William Richardson - Spatial and temporal control of oligodendrocyte development: insights from transgenic mice
- Vittorio Gallo - Regulation Of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Proliferation Through Ligand- and Voltage-Gated Ionic Channels
Scheduled Short Talks
- Angeles Rodriguez-Pena
- Margot Mayer-Proschel
- Judith Grinspan
Tuesday Morning, February 3 -
Regeneration and Remyelination
Discussion Leader: William Blakemore
- Robin Franklin - Mechanisms of CNS Remyelination
- James Goldman - Cycling Cells in the Nervous System and their Relevance to Remyelination
- Regina Armstrong - Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) in Endogenous Remyelination
- Ansi Chang - Distribution and characterization of NG-2 cells in MS lesions
- Annik Baron Von Evercooren - Plasticity of the adult CNS and myelin repair
Scheduled Short Talks
- Hans Keirsted
- Richard Reynolds
Tuesday Evening, February 3 -
Neural Cell Fate
Discussion Leader: Robert Lazzarini
- Hugo Bellen - Cellular and Functional Diversity of Drosophila Glia
- Yoshiki Hotta - Drosophila gcm, and gcm-family in Other Species
- Rebecca Hardy - Role of QK1 Proteins in Mammalian Neural Cell Fate Decisions
- Eric Morrow - Basic Helix-loop-helix Transcription Factors in Retinal Development
- Angela Giangrande - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Glial Differentiation in Drosophila
Wednesday Morning, February 4 -
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Myelination
Discussion Leader: Klaus Armin Nave
- Klaus A. Nave - Introduction
- Ueli Suter - The Role of PMP22 in Myelination
- Diez Meijer - Genetic Control of Peripheral Nerve Myelination
- Peter Brophy - Periaxin's Place in Axon-Glial Interactions in the PNS
- Melitta Schachner - Lessons from Double Knock-out Mutants Deficient in Myelin Genes
- David Colman - Molecular Basis of Adhesion in Peripheral Nerve
Scheduled Short Talks
- Marie Filbin
- Karen Chandross
- Lawrence Wrabetz
- Sara Szuchet
Wednesday Evening, February 4 -
Lipid and Protein Trafficking Leading to CNS Myelin Biogenesis
Discussion Leader: Stephen Pfeiffer
- Jonathan Pevsner - Cellular Mechanisms of Vesicle Docking and Fusion
- Stephen Pfeiffer - Lipid and Protein Trafficking Leading to Myelin Biogenesis
(Including brief overview of work by Wendy Macklin who cannot attend)
- Jackie Trotter - Signalling of Oligodendrocyte GPI-Anchored Proteins Modulated by Inclusion in Specific Lipid Microdomains
- Ross Smith - Proteins Involved in Cytoplasmic Transport of MBP and mRNA
- John Carson - Intracellular Trafficking of Connexin-32 mRNA and Protein
Scheduled Short Talks
Thursday Morning, February 5 -
Chairman's Choice
Discussion Leader: Richard Ransohoff
- Richard Ransohoff - Glial cells and nervous system inflammation: lessons from studies of chemokines
- Voon Wee Yong - Inflammatory Cytokines and Reactive Astrogliosis
- Stephen Miller - Antigen Processing and Presentation by Glial Cells
- John Griffin - Wallerian degeneration: contrast between the CNS and the PNS
- Harald Neumann - Neuronal control of Immunologically Relevant Gene Expression in the CNS
- Iain Campbell - Mechanisms of inflammation in the CNS studied in transgenic mice with astrocyte-targeted expression of cytokines
Scheduled Short Talks
- Akiko Nishiyama
- Bernd Kieseier