The Nitric Oxide Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting-edge ideas.
The focus of this year’s Nitric Oxide (NO) GRS is to highlight not only fundamental, mechanistic scientific research related to NO, but also the translational work that seeks to bring NO-related discoveries into clinical or commercial use. The meeting will afford attendees the opportunity to discuss the newest developments in the field, as well as give all attendees a chance to present their own research as either an oral or poster presentation. To bring together fundamental and translational work, applications are encouraged from early career scientists performing NO-related research in academic, clinical, commercial, and/or entrepreneurial environments.
The meeting will also include a substantial professional development component, with several established investigators in the NO field present throughout. These mentors have experience in basic NO research as well as translational efforts, and will offer scientific and career development insight to attendees both individually and during a mentorship event, held during the second day. The primary focus of this event will be on how to initiate and develop collaborations between basic scientists researching NO, clinicians, industry, and entrepreneurs to effectively move NO-related discoveries beyond the laboratory and into widespread clinical or industrial use.