Conference Description
The Gordon Research Seminar on Oxygen Radicals is a forum for young scientists to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas. The meeting is unique due to its ability to bring graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education, together in an intimate setting. This setting allows young scientists to openly discuss current research and network with potential collaborators.
Recent advances in the field of redox chemistry (reactive oxygen species) and our understanding of the role of free radicals in biology and medicine have extended the scope of this field and placed it at the cutting edge of translational research. This meeting aims to reflect our growing understanding of the role free radicals play in biology. It will include talks on basic chemistry of free radicals and reactive oxidants, their role in inflammation, mechanisms of disease, metabolism and cell signaling in both healthy and disease states. We will discuss the newest developments in this field and the opportunities for therapeutic development.
While, also provided the opportunity to present their newest data and innovative experimental designs to advance scientific research, scientists are provided the opportunity to hone their leadership skills as a discussion leader. The meeting will also include a career development session to discuss the opportunities, possibilities and potential career paths currently available to young scientists. Moreover, the meeting will end with a keynote lecture focusing on the role of reactive oxygen species in health and disease.