Sunday pm
Plasma Membrane - Cell Wall Interactions
Nicholas Carpita, Discussion Leader
- KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Bruce Stone - "Plant cell walls and their components - an evolutionary perspective"
- Nicholas Carpita - "A cell-wall protein from Allium species that binds to a heparin/fibrin binding domain of human fibronectin"
- Bruce Kohorn - "Waks; essential cell wall proteins with tenascin, EGF, and cytoplasmic kinase domains"
Monday am
Cytokinesis and Cell Plate Formation
Andrew Staehelin, Discussion Leader
- Peter Hepler - "Cytoskeletal activity during cytokinesis and cell plate formation"
- Andrew Staehelin - "Experimental dissection of cell plate assembly"
- Gerd Jürgens - "The role of the Arabidopsis KNOLLE protein in cytokinesis-specific intracellular trafficking"
- Desh Pal Verma - "The role of phragmoplastin in targeting the Golgi vesicles to the cell plate"
- Laurie Smith - "Spatial regulation of cell division and morphogenesis during maize leaf development"
- Sara Ranck - "A brefeldin-sensitive process in prophase defines the future site of cell plate attachment during cytokinesis in Tradescantia stamen"
Monday pm
Cell Wall Expansion and Expansins
Daniel Cosgrove, Discussion Leader
- Daniel Cosgrove - "New insights into expansin functions"
- Hans Kende - "Expansins in rapidly elongating deepwater rice internodes"
- Hans Edelman - "Growth and osmiophilic particles in coleoptiles"
- Jocelyn Rose - "Ripening regulated expansins in tomato and other fruits"
Tuesday am
Biosynthesis of Beta-Glucans
Deborah Delmer, Discussion Leader
- Inder Saxena - "Dissecting A. xylinum cellulose-like proteins from higher plants"
- Deborah Delmer - "The celA genes of cotton and their potential role in cellulose synthesis"
- Richard Williamson - "Cellulose biosynthesis and the RSW1 gene of Arabidopsis"
- Chris Somerville/Sean Cutler - "The function of cellulose synthase-like genes from Arabidopsis"
- Koichi Mizuno - "Cellulose synthesis of tubulin-containing granules from isolated plasma
membranes of higher plant cells"
- Enrico Cabib - "Regulation of cell wall synthesis in yeast"
Tuesday pm
Plant Cell Wall Polysaccharides in Paper
Rajai Atalla, Discussion Leader
- Rajai Atalla - "From forest to the paper machine: The challenge of transforming the plant cell wall into a commercial product"
- Hiroki Nanko - "Structure and formation of interfiber bonding in paper"
- Tuyen Nguyen - "The use of polysaccharides as strength additives in the paper industry"
- William Winter - "Topochemically modified polysaccharide nanoparticles"
Wednesday am
Structure-Property Relationships of Industrial Plant Polysaccharides
Joergen Soederberg, Discussion Leader
- Joergen Soederberg - "Pectin applications: Structural changes for new physical property requirements"
- James BeMiller - "Properties and applications of commercial plant cell wall polysaccharides"
- Jean-François Thibeault - "Extrusion cooking of pectin-rich materials"
- Robert Scavetta - "Structure of pentagalacturonic acid as bound by pectate lyase C"
- Debra Mohnen - "Synthesis of the pectic polysaccharide homogalacturonan"
- Maureen McCann - "Looking for pectin mutants"
Wednesday pm
Arabinogalactan Proteins
Allan Showalter, Discussion Leader
- Anthony Bacic - "What is an arabinogalactan-protein?"
- Allan Showalter - "Cloning and expression of a tomato arabinogalactan-protein"
- Alice Cheung - "A pollen tube growth-promoting extracellular matrix glycoprotein"
- James Cooper - "Expression of proline-rich proteins (PRPs) during root development in Medicago"
Thursday am
Structures and Interactions of Cell Wall Polysaccharides
Keith Roberts, Discussion Leader
- Keith Roberts - "What holds a plant together? The dynamics of wall architecture, wall strength, and cell-cell adhesion"
- Malcolm O’Neil - "RG-II, its interactions with boron and heavy metals in growing walls and wine"
- Anne Mie Emons - "A dynamical mathematical model for plant cell wall deposition"
- Mike Jarvis - "Internal structure of cellulose microfibrils from the cell walls of higher plants"
- Gladys Cassab - "Aberrant cell walls of boron-deficient root nodules"
- Christopher West - "Protein-cellulose interactions in the spore coat of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum"
Thursday pm
Xylem Differentiation
Ronald Sederoff, Discussion Leader
- Ronald Sederoff - "Unexpected variation in lignin of loblolly pine"
- Candace Haigler - "Cellular determinants of secondary wall patterning in differentiating tracheary elements"
- Björn Sundberg - "Auxin gradients and xylem development"
- Ulrich Ryser - "Structural cell wall proteins in protoxylem development: evidence for a repair process mediated by a glycine-rich protein"