Conference Description
We are pleased to announce the very first Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) for Plant Cell Walls. As lignocellulosic biofuel production becomes important for the sustainable development of our society, we need to ensure that the plant cell wall community continues to thrive and grows. This GRS will be an opportunity for current and new graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the field of plant cell walls to interact, exchange ideas, and share the excitement of conducting cutting-edge research in this vital area. The GRS will also be an opportune time to mingle, network, and consider scientific career paths. The two-day seminar will include two science sessions, an evening session on Aug 1, 2009 and a morning session on Aug 2, 2009 which will be presented and attended by graduate students and post docs. In addition, a small but selected panel of established researchers will be invited to attend and contribute to the discussions. An official poster session will be held on the afternoon of Aug 1 and continue during an evening social. At this seminar, graduate students and post docs will be given maximal opportunity to present their work via talks and poster presentations. Depending on the number of applicants received, the time for talks may range from 15-20 minutes per presenter, including time for questions. We plan to have a short discussion at the end of each science session to wrap up the essence of the day, and discussion leaders will keep the conversation moving. The discussion leaders may be invited senior researchers or selected from volunteering graduate students or post docs. The topics for our seminar include plant cell wall biosynthesis, structure and function, lignocellulosic biofuel production, and natural products derived from plant cell walls.