Sunday 6 September | 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm |
Welcome Reception |
Sunday 6 September | 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm |
What is New? |
Discussion Leader: Colin Gough (Birmingham)
- Bernard Raveau (Caen) - Transition metal oxides with a layered structure: where are the good candidates for superconductivity?
- Robert Laughlin (Stanford) - Why is HTS such a hard problem?
- Daniel Agtergerg (ETH Zurich) - Unconventional superconductivity and Sr2RuO4
Monday 7 September | 9.00 am - 1.00 pm |
Mechanisms and Fluctuations |
Discussion Leader: Peter Littlewood (Cambridge)
- Chandra Varma (Bell Labs) - Quantum critical point in the High Tc superconductors
- Shouchen Zhang (Stanford) - The SO5 Model
- Victor Emery (Brookhaven) - Local Electronic Structure and High-Tc Superconductivity
- Christoph Meingeist (KZK-Karlsruhe) - 3D XY Critical fluctuations in untwinned YBCO
- 12.00 - 1.00 - Short (1 minute) Poster Presentations
- 1.00 - Group Photograph
Monday 7 September | 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm |
Poster Session I |
Co-ordinator: Brian Maple (San Diego)
Monday 7 September | 7.30 pm - 9.45 pm |
New Systems |
Discussion Leader: Zachary Fisk (Tallahasee)
- Paul Canfield (Ames) - RNi2B2C Magnetic Superconductors: The effects of magnetic ordering on the superconducting state
- Yoshi Maeno (Kyoto) - Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Steve Julian (Cambridge) - Superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behaviour at magnetic quantum critical points
Tuesday 8 September | 9.00 am - 1.00 pm |
Pseudo-gap and Normal Properties |
- Juan Campuzano (Argonne) - ARPES
- Hide Takagi (Tokyo) - Normal state out-of-plane transport in YBa2Cu4O8 - magnetic field induced dimensional crossover
- Marc-Henri Julien (Pavia) - Magnetic correlations probed by NMR in underdoped cuprates
- John Loram (Cambridge) - Heat Capacity and Normal State Pseudogaps
- Business Session
- Oral Poster Presentations - Brian Maple (San Diego)
Tuesday 8 September | 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm |
Poster Session II |
Co-ordinator: Brian Maple (San Diego)
Tuesday 8 September | 7.30 pm - 9.45 pm |
Smoking Gun Experiments |
Discussion Leader: Rick Greene (Maryland)
- Gabriel Aeppli (NEC) - Magnetic Coherence in the Superconducting States of Cuprates
- Girsh Blumberg (Urbana) - Pseudo gap and normal state
- Kathryn Moler (Princeton) - Vortices in Anistropic HTC
Wednesday 9 September | 9.00 am - 12.30 pm |
Gap Symmetry and c-axis Coupling |
Discussion Leader: Oystein Fischer (Geneva)
- Zhixun Shen (Stanford) - ARPES
- Dick van der Marel (Groningen) - Infra-red measurementsof c-axis plasma frequency
- John Zasadzinski (Argonne) - Doping Dependence of Tunnelling Spectra and Superconducting Gap in Bi-2212
- Short contributed talks on c-axis tunnelling - 5 minute contributions including: Fischer, Gough, Alexandrov, etc.
- Oral poster presentations - Brian Maple (San Diego)
Wednesday 9 September | 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm |
Excursions to Oxford Instruments, Blenheim Palace or Oxford Colleges |
Wednesday 9 September | 7.30 pm - 9.45 pm |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
Discussion Leader: Guy Deutscher (Tel Aviv)
- Jochen Mannhart (Augsburg) - Fundamental principles controlling HTS interfaces
- Michael Walker(Toronto) - Surface bound states and the zero bias conductance peak in HTS
- Alex Gurevich (Madison) - Charge effects and current transport through grain boundaries
Thursday 10 September | 9.00 am - 1.00 pm |
Magnetic and Field Dependent Properties |
Discussion Leader: Doug Finnemore (Ames)
- Steve Lee (St. Andrews) - Applications in µSR to High Temperature Superconductivity
- David Bishop (Bell Labs) - Magnetic Vortices in Type II Superconductors: Is There Life After Melting?
- Dennis Drew (Maryland) - Vortex Dynamics at Infrared Frequencies
- Yoichi Ando (Central Research Institute of the Electrical Power Industry, Japan) - Thermal conductivity anomaly Bi-2212 in magnetic fields
- Oral Poster Presentations - Brian Maple (San Diego)
Thursday 10 September | 4.00 pm - 6.30 pm |
Normal Excitations |
Discussion Leader: Bertram Batlogg (Bell Labs)
- N-Phuan Ong (Princeton) - Quasiparticles above and below Tc probed by transport in a magnetic field
- Kamran Behnia (Orsay) - Low Temperature Thermal Conductivity
- Doug Bonn (Vancouver) / Anthony Carrington (Illinois) - Surface Impedance of YBCO
Thursday 10 September | 7.30 pm + |
Banquet |