Conference Description
The Superconductivity GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
Unconventional superconducting phenomena manifest in diverse materials systems from cuprates to heavy fermion compounds, from iron pnictides to Moiré heterostructures. In many of these materials systems, superconductivity emerges from the strong interactions between electrons. This electron-electron interaction often gives rise to other proximate correlated phases, the study of which can reveal deep knowledge into the formation of the superconducting state. Experimentalists and theorists alike have developed wide-ranging tools to interrogate these complex phase diagrams: doping, strain control, thin-film engineering, and non-equilibrium excitation, for example, can be levied to discover, probe, and tune superconducting phases. This continuously evolving landscape of new theoretical and experimental methods reliably unearths exciting discoveries in the field of unconventional superconductivity, allowing us to access new phenomenologies and harness new superconducting functionalities.
The 2025 Gordon Research Seminar on Superconductivity will bring together PhD students, postdocs, and other early-career scientists in a relaxed environment to discuss recent results and ideas in the field of unconventional superconductivity. Participants should expect to actively engage with techniques, phenomena, and materials systems beyond their own scientific toolkit. The GRS will be followed by the Gordon Research Conference (GRC), which will provide an in-depth survey of new developments in the field.
Application Instructions
The seminar will feature approximately 10 talks and 2 poster sessions. All attendees are expected to actively participate in the GRS, either by giving an oral presentation or presenting a poster. Therefore, all applications must include an abstract.
The seminar chair will select speakers from abstracts submitted by January 26, 2025. Those applicants who are not chosen for talks and those who apply after the deadline to be considered for an oral presentation will be expected to present a poster. In order to participate, you must submit an application by the date indicated in the Application Information section above.