The Gordon Research Seminar on Transglutaminases in Human Disease Processes is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting-edge ideas. This is the Second Gordon Research Seminar on Transglutaminases and this meeting will focus on the contributions that young scientists continue to make in this expansive and dynamic field of research. It will also highlight their contributions in mentoring future generations of scientists.
Transglutaminases are a family of enzymes that are structurally and functionally related. First identified for their ability to catalyze transamidation and post-translational protein modifications, the past decade has revealed a variety of pathologies implicating this family of enzymes. Gordon Research Seminars are prestigious conferences organized by and for young investigators. The Transglutaminases in Human Disease Processes Gordon Research Seminar brings together young investigators with a variety of research backgrounds. Transglutaminase research spans the interface of chemistry and biology and extends into clinical research as researchers in the field pursue pharmaceutical intervention for diseases associated with this family of enzymes.
If you are interested in presenting your research as it pertains to transglutaminase, we welcome you to apply to this seminar and to the Gordon Research Conference that follows. This is an unparalleled opportunity for you to meet leading researchers in the field, network, form collaborations and immerse yourself in transglutaminase research, while taking in the beautiful views of Vermont's Mount Snow Resort.