The 2019 inaugural Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Undergraduate Biology Education Research will be a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and early-career scientists at comparable stages in their careers to develop collaborative relationships and to share and discuss cutting-edge research. To complement the associated 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC), this GRS will focus specifically on research surrounding the professional development of early-career scientists. As one goal of the GRS is to strengthen the presence of early-career scientists in our community, all Seminar attendees are strongly encouraged to also attend the accompanying GRC.
You will be a good fit for the GRS and GRC if you are a grad student or postdoc and one of the following describes you:
- You currently conduct biology education research
- You are interested in conducting biology education research in your future career; or
- You teach or aim to teach undergraduate biology and want to know more about undergraduate biology education research.
We are committed to this group having the broadest possible diversity of voices and ensuring that our meeting reflects the diversity of backgrounds in our society and scientific community. Therefore, we especially welcome applications from participants from historically underrepresented groups, including ethnic or racial minorities and participants from Minority Serving Institutions, primarily undergraduate institutions, community colleges, and tribal colleges. Additionally, if you are from an underrepresented minority background, we strongly encourage you to apply for the Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship.
We are also excited to offer attendees the opportunity to advance your own professional development by dedicating a session for experts to provide mentoring in 3 key areas: mentoring (being mentored and/or mentoring your own students), professional identities (e.g. teacher, and biology/education researcher identities), and science communication and networking (maximizing your GRS/GRC conference experience). This session is designed for you to pick your area of greatest need and leave with actionable items.
We encourage you to submit an abstract to present your research or teaching projects as either a poster or a research talk, even if you are at a very early stage in your work. While applications to present talks and posters on professional development research are especially encouraged, we welcome applications from all areas of undergraduate biology education.