The Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
The 2024 GRS is a two-day meeting designed for early-career scientists from all over the world to present their work in a welcoming and supportive environment of their peers. The GRS is organized by early-career scientists and is designed to promote scientific collaboration amongst a diverse group of scientists focusing on a variety of topics in cardiovascular physiology. Basic and clinical graduate students, post-baccalaureate and postdoctoral trainees, and new investigators are invited to present new, unpublished data generated in their cardiovascular research projects, with a special emphasis on how they ensure rigor and reproducibility in their studies.
The goal of the 2024 meeting is to provide an inclusive and stimulating setting for junior scientists to present their work, network with peers, and establish collaborations. This seminar will focus on several emerging concepts in cardiac physiology and disease. Topics will include using -omics and bioinformatics to address cardiovascular questions, crosstalk between the heart and extra-cardiac tissues, and understanding key molecular changes in cardiac pathologies.
New this year, the 2024 GRS will include a talk on rigor and reproducibility, with a short discussion that follows, where early-career scientists can get their questions answered regarding this topic and similar ethical concerns. We will also include a mentorship session, consisting of an informal panel discussion with scientists at various stages in their careers. The discussion will include topics such as tracking productivity and success as a trainee, transitioning from training to a career, translating basic science concepts into medical advances, grant writing, and manuscript preparation.
With such stimulating topics and discussions, we look forward to a great 2024 GRS!