Conference Description
The Granular Matter GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
Particulate materials are fascinating systems. They span a variety of scales, both in time and space, from colloidal suspensions to geophysical flows and planetary bodies. It seems difficult at first sight to embrace a flock of birds, a culinary emulsion and a pile of construction materials into common models. Yet, such seemingly disparate systems share common features. Encompassing them into a uniting framework represents a captivating physics problem, an important engineering challenge, and an essential step for humans' progress.
The 2024 seminar is focused on “Particulate Systems Across Scales: A Journey Through Time and Space.” It will begin with a scientific talk by Professor Itai Cohen, who will expand our understanding of granular media and their flow behaviour. To highlight the diversity of careers existing for young scientists, it will conclude with a roundtable discussion on the topic of “Scientific Career Choices: Navigating Paths and Overcoming Challenges”, providing a platform to share experiences, insights, and recommendations related to career development in the scientific community. Speakers at this roundtable include Kyle Welch, Associate Editor at PRL; Rebekka Grellmann, project manager for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) funding agency; Itai Cohen, professor at Cornell University. Poster presentations will provide attendees and postdocs with the opportunity to engage with colleagues to exchange ideas and share ongoing research. Oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts.